About/Contact Info

About Anthony

For Pricing & Booking Availability Please Contact Me Via Email In The Contact Box Below Or At 226-346-3249

Hi, I’m Anthony, I’m a photographer based in Windsor, Ontario. I’ve been running my business full-time for over 10 years!

I’m an art & service photographer. My services include weddings, real estate, videos, events, commercial work, families, head shots & much more.

As for my personal work, I focus on many different genres including travel, landscape, contemporary, documentary work, music, action & much more.

Aside from my photo & video work I also build custom picture frames.

I live and breathe photography, it is my absolute passion whether that be the business side or the art side of my work, I love it all. I take great pride & put 110% into all of work no matter what it is.

All photo & video work by Anthony Sheardown


Whether you are curious about my work or are interested in hiring me to capture a special moment in your life please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have & I will get back to you asap! 

Please feel free to contact me through email in the contact box or by phone.

Phone 226-346-3249

Email asheardownphoto@gmail.com